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Luke: Blessed are the women 

Luke’s gospel particularly focuses on the women whose lives are transformed by Jesus. As we study these encounters, we’ll see more of the kind, compassionate yet uncompromising face of Christ.


The wondering women - Luke 24:1-12
Armel Mpasi, 27/10/2019
The Penniless Widow - Luke 21:1-4
Paul Mills, 01/09/2019
The Bickering Sisters - Luke 10:48-52
Mike Gilbart-Smith, 25/08/2019
The Generous Givers - Luke 8:1-3
Jeff Shepherd, 11/08/2019
The Scandalous Sinner - Luke 7:36-50
Martin Hartigan, 04/08/2019
The Pregnant Teenager - Luke 1:26-56, 2:1-35
Kenny Rogan, 28/04/2019
Elizabeth: The childless wife - Luke 1:5-25, 39-45, 57-66
Mike Gilbart-Smith, 07/04/2019

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